Refrigerator Fridge Thermostat Wiring Diagram Guide

In this post you will learn about the fridge thermostat wiring diagram and instillation, as you know that we use refrigerator in our daily life, in refrigerator / fridge we have knob switch which is a movable switch from which we can control the coldness. We can easily make colder or cool from this knob. This is called thermostat switch and in this post you will learn about thermostat wiirng connection complete gudie which is a very simple connection. This connection is done in every refrigerator and air conditioner , There are different types of thermostat switches regarding wiring connection and regarding temperature.
The working of thermostat in refrigerator / fridge or air conditioner is that switch off the compressor when the machines complete the coiling range.

Fridge Thermostat Wiring Diagram - Fridge The rmostat Connection

In Thermostat switch we have two types of connection, in which one is for main and other for out going to compressor, in some thermostat switches we have main or common connection with two terminal in which one is for incoming supply and other one for light.
In some thermostat we have only two connection in which one is for incoming and other on is for outgoing to load or compressor.
fridge thermostat wiring connection is done in series connection, my means that this instill between compressor and supply current.

In fridge, the supply one wire goes to the ptc relay and other one goes to thermostat from which the 2nd wire goes to compressor. Direct cool refrigerator and no frost refrigerator wiring is different but if we talk about fridge thermostat wiring diagram and connection , so this same in both.
Now lets the below fridge thermostat instillation / connection diagram for completely understanding

fridge thermostat wiring diagram

In the above diagram i shown how to wire a ref thermostat, but this only a basic diagram and we will publish complete refrigerator diagram soon. However form this diagram you get an idea about fridge thermostat instillation . On thing more in above fridge thermostat diagram i shown electric plug which is refrigerator plug and from which i connect one wire to compressor and 2nd to thermostat switch and form thermostat i connect it to compressor. In compressor we use PTC relay and overload protector which are also important parts of refrigerators, so for better understanding kindly read the below posts.

Also read below
How to identify compressor terminals?
What is overload protector and its working?
What is the role of PTC Relay in refrigerator?
Refrigerator not cooling problem and salutations

I hope after this article now you will completely understood the fridge thermostat wiring diagram / connection. However IN SHA ALLLAH soon i will design complete ref / fridge diagrams.


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